Why I am here.

Nothumberland, PA, United States
I am what some consider crazy, and I agree. But I am crazy for God. As things in this world stand,I'm disgusted. Celebrities go on makeing millions, hold award shows to glorify and pat each other on the back. Mean while millions of people starve and die. People like myself grow up without a father, no anchor to what I should be. But for God, the only way I'm here and not in jail, not starving. But learning; to live, love. serve, stand, run, worship, and save. To me anything else would be pointless, gainless, and a waster of time. People work hard all thier lives, but what is the point if you're not doing it for God. IT makes sense to me why poeple ignore God, because Me is a big word.

January 24, 2008

Just intensions

I present my first post, but not for myself but for God and what He has to say here at this point. As of late I have felt that the more I watch TV the more I am turned off. If my header is any indication as to where I stand in modern culture. I believe that like William Booth even the most self glorifying invention of man can be turned to God's glory. But I have to admit as of late I had become a bit of an arm-chair Christian, very dangerous. But this is the time, as I stand at the crossroads of my young adult life, where my time, life etc is going. At the earliest officership appeared to be the path, but at the latest I question it. What am I doing with my life, I'm certainly not "Doing the most good" as my attachment to SA entails. But non the less God is pulling me into a path. Not one of which I can see, but sends the call of more urgent faith. To not relie on what I see in this world but to know and hold to the highest promise that God will not let go. That I have been called and no one can change that no matter their intentions or will. Thus creating my just intentions, remaining only that way with my reliance and sight locked onto God.